Hello Everyone. Its my first post as of March. :) (Wl. like who cares.)
At all, I've so decided to adjust the blogskin (Fyi. I reused the old one, effing lazy to search for a new.) because I received 9876543210 complains with regards to the previous. My flashbox's revived too :) Ever since I put a cease to working, I've been out as soon as the afternoon breaks in and back home after the biological clock ticks after one a.m. Well, this shows why my blog's in this ultimate stagnant condition. Pathetic shit.
Anyway, an update of Eugene. He's out there in search of JI. He's absolutely irritated over this arrangement you see. Somewhere in some park wearing some fisherman hat, riding on some bicycle whether rain or shine consuming some monstrous packet of food. HAHA. Well, JI wouldn't surrender you see. How bad, and we see him almost everywhere sticking on some walls. Duh. Bad bad bad. Then gosh, some people actually tore his face off. Nothing personal with the government. At the start, you see him with and without moustache. Weeks later, his side view?! I forsee, we'll all get to see his back view fairly soon. =/
Peace Sg. (I'm not trying to sound patriotic. But whatever. Bye.)
P/s: Happy birthday once again March Babies. TC & Na.